Geger Isu Orang ke-3, Obrolan Desta dan Gege Elisa Bareng Raffi Ahmad Disorot Netizen
Jumat, 19 Mei 2023 - 15:47 WIB
Sumber :
- VIVA Grup
"jirr ini story waktu itu gw liat biasa aja, skrg liatnya kayak "hah" kok bisaa, tegaa asli," komentar seorang netizen.
"lah kok salting si cewek," ujar netizen lain.
“Sakit banget kalo beneran," timpal lainnya.
Kendati begitu, pihak kuasa hukum Desta yakni Hendra Siregar baru-baru ini membantah adanya isu orang ke-3 di rumah tangga kliennya dengan Natasha Rizki.
"Nothing, absolutely nothing (divorce due to third person and economic factors). It's still going well, it's just that it's no longer in line with the vision and mission, there is a problem there so submit it, and they have agreed actually, "concluded Desta's lawyer.