Singgung Tukang Bakso dan Papua, Ketum PDIP Megawati Dianggap Rasis

Ketua Umum PDIP Megawati Soekarno Putri
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Hal senada juga disampaikan netizen lain untuk menanggapi ucapan Megawati tersebut, akun @terrysng__ tak habis pikir dengan ucapan rasis Mega itu.

"Its okay for u to be mad about the tukang bakso, what annoys me more is how she's so racist talking about papua & dark skin????? I mean. Its okay for u to be mad about the tukang bakso, what annoys me more is how she’s so racist talking about papua & dark skin????? I mean — ya halo," tulis akun @terrysng__.

Netizen lain justru tak percaya pernyataan itu keluar dari seorang mantan Presiden, yakni, Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"is it just me or the way she said things about papua kinda racist? and also about tukang bakso? tf is wrong with tukang bakso? cant believe this word comes out from indonesia former president, is it just me or the way she said things about papua kinda racist? And also about tukang bakso? tf is wrong with tukang bakso? Cant believe this word comes out from indonesia former president. — P3N1st," tulis akun @EkaDarmaNanda1.

Netizen lain menilai ucapan ini menggambarkan paradigma jawasentris yang dipadu dengan rasisme, sambil menyindir kualitas gelar doktor atau profesor kehormatan Megawati.

"The speech on Papua is based on ignorance, Java-centrism, and a touch of racism. If this woman can get "Honorary Doctorate" for simply existing, so can you. The speech on Papua is based on ignorance, Java-centrism, and a touch of racism. If this woman can get "Honorary Doctorate" for simply existing, so can you," tulis akun @timurandproud.

Netizen lain yang juga seorang komika ternama Abdurrahim Arsyad bahkan mendukung rakyat Papua untuk merdeka, akibat ucapan yang diduga dianggap rasis tersebut.